Responsibility: Executive Member and Head of Electrical Subsystem
February 2013 – July 2014
Faculty Advisor: Prof. P. J. Guruprasad, IIT Bombay
Led a 10-member team of Mars Society India, IIT Bombay in the development of a prototype mars rover and field trials at Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge Expedition in Australia
Developed the control electronics and embedded logic for rover and robotic arm mobility as well as robust communication systems for long-distance feedback and control to accomplish various mission objectives such as terrain traversing, sample collection, astronaut assistance, and equipment servicing
Our team in Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge-2014
Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge-2014 expeditioners Participating robots in Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge-2014 Fellow expeditioner's kids got inspired by our rover's design and made a lovely cardboard model of the rover! Group picture before an areal survey of the expedition site on a Cessna 207